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Isha Mittal
Label Isha Mittal’s philosophy is best described through the words of Coco Chanel— “ Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself ”. They seek to create luxurious designs that are a fusion of the traditional with the contemporary to make the modern woman feel confident and beautiful. Founded in 2019, Label Isha Mittal juxtaposes modern sartorial elegance and the intricacies of Indian technique with skill. The Label's clothes are a unique meld, using the finest fabrics as a canvas, which comes alive with exquisite leather sequins, cutdana embroideries and intricate embellishments to create a modern masterpiece.
5th March 1991
Educational Qualification
Fashion Design, Pearl Academy Module in Design, Domus Academy, Milan
Founding date/year of the brand
How did your career begin?
Isha Mittal and Shreya Goyal are the sisters behind Label ISHA MITTAL. They grew up bonding over their shared love for art and design. They realised that they had made great business partners not only because of the bond they share but also because their personalities complement each other.They are extremely passionate about making beautiful products that make women happy.
One person living/dead you’d like to dress?
Princess Diana
Isha Mittal Image Gallery